Make your good marketing even better
Use this site to get stronger copy…create more compelling content…and find in-house marketing writing training that turns your home team into your greatest marketing advantage. For starters…
Use this site to get stronger copy…create more compelling content…and find in-house marketing writing training that turns your home team into your greatest marketing advantage. For starters…
Marketing is changing at an ever faster pace. But the fundamentals of “salesmanship in print” are as relevant now as they ever have been. You’ll find them in Writing Copy for Dummies.
“Writing Copy for Dummies is one of the best books I have ever read on copywriting — sensible, informed, and clear. I highly recommend it.”
Bob Bly, master copywriter and renowned author of numerous marketing books
They know how to create great content, not just once in a while, but time and time again. The secret? There are seven of them, and they all help you build and manage killer content creation teams. Learn the real secrets from the real masters:
Download your free and ungated copy of Countdown to Content Excellence: The 7 Secrets of Super-Successful Content Creation Teams.
I had the privilege of leading the Professional Services Forum at Content Marketing World in which Michelle Ngome, Diversity Marketing Consultant at Line25 Marketing and founder of the African-American Marketing Association, was a participant. This is what she had to say about the experience: I attended Content Marketing World and I sat in the professional…
I recently had the opportunity to review and rank a stack of 24 content pieces with one purpose in mind: to identify the distinctions between great, good, and not-so-good content. In other words, what makes the difference between content that soars versus content that sucks? I had expected to see a gradient of many shades;…
Thanks to Tim Brown of the Hook Agency, you can enjoy an “expert roundup” of “Ideas and Strategies for Marketing Financial Services” for a price that doesn’t bite: free! I must confess two things: 1) I’m one of the featured experts and 2) of the advice offered, I appreciate Tim’s the most; he believes we…
“It’s the transformation of marketing into a function that creates valuable experiences and content that is the new muscle for most organizations…” Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose, Killing Marketing, p. 133 “Content marketing” is no longer a new idea. Yet there’s still a great deal of confusion of what “content” is or is not. Here’s…
“This is the marketing of the future. It is achieving a long-term return on the one asset that will save our business: an audience.” This quote is the money-shot of Joe Pulizzi’s and Robert Rose’s Killing Marketing. If you don’t believe that audience is the fundamental asset – not employees, not products, not expertise, not…
You’ve heard all the buzz: marketing is no longer about interrupting prospects with your messages (outbound marketing), but luring them with content that means something to them (inbound marketing). Mike Volpe of HubSpot says that today, marketers are publishers. Seth Godin (he of the purple cow and the shiny head) says this kind of marketing is the only kind left.
I’m not quite as apocalyptic as all that, but…
I love writing for my clients. But sometimes, your best bet is to have me teach you and your colleagues how to create compelling content…write magnetic Web copy…tell unforgettable business stories…and craft sales-and-lead generating offers. Bring me to you through my in-house marketing writing seminars.